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  1from __future__ import annotations
  3import asyncio
  4import copy
  5import time
  6import uuid
  7from dataclasses import dataclass
  8from dataclasses import field
  9from typing import Any
 10from typing import ClassVar
 12from mitmproxy import connection
 13from mitmproxy import exceptions
 14from mitmproxy import version
 15from mitmproxy.coretypes import serializable
 19class Error(serializable.SerializableDataclass):
 20    """
 21    An Error.
 23    This is distinct from an protocol error response (say, a HTTP code 500),
 24    which is represented by a normal `mitmproxy.http.Response` object. This class is
 25    responsible for indicating errors that fall outside of normal protocol
 26    communications, like interrupted connections, timeouts, or protocol errors.
 27    """
 29    msg: str
 30    """Message describing the error."""
 32    timestamp: float = field(default_factory=time.time)
 33    """Unix timestamp of when this error happened."""
 35    KILLED_MESSAGE: ClassVar[str] = "Connection killed."
 37    def __str__(self):
 38        return self.msg
 40    def __repr__(self):
 41        return self.msg
 44class Flow(serializable.Serializable):
 45    """
 46    Base class for network flows. A flow is a collection of objects,
 47    for example HTTP request/response pairs or a list of TCP messages.
 49    See also:
 50     - mitmproxy.http.HTTPFlow
 51     - mitmproxy.tcp.TCPFlow
 52     - mitmproxy.udp.UDPFlow
 53    """
 55    client_conn: connection.Client
 56    """The client that connected to mitmproxy."""
 58    server_conn: connection.Server
 59    """
 60    The server mitmproxy connected to.
 62    Some flows may never cause mitmproxy to initiate a server connection,
 63    for example because their response is replayed by mitmproxy itself.
 64    To simplify implementation, those flows will still have a `server_conn` attribute
 65    with a `timestamp_start` set to `None`.
 66    """
 68    error: Error | None = None
 69    """A connection or protocol error affecting this flow."""
 71    intercepted: bool
 72    """
 73    If `True`, the flow is currently paused by mitmproxy.
 74    We're waiting for a user action to forward the flow to its destination.
 75    """
 77    marked: str = ""
 78    """
 79    If this attribute is a non-empty string the flow has been marked by the user.
 81    A string value will be used as the marker annotation. May either be a single character or a Unicode emoji name.
 83    For example `:grapes:` becomes `🍇` in views that support emoji rendering.
 84    Consult the [Github API Emoji List](https://api.github.com/emojis) for a list of emoji that may be used.
 85    Not all emoji, especially [emoji modifiers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miscellaneous_Symbols_and_Pictographs#Emoji_modifiers)
 86    will render consistently.
 88    The default marker for the view will be used if the Unicode emoji name can not be interpreted.
 89    """
 91    is_replay: str | None
 92    """
 93    This attribute indicates if this flow has been replayed in either direction.
 95     - a value of `request` indicates that the request has been artifically replayed by mitmproxy to the server.
 96     - a value of `response` indicates that the response to the client's request has been set by server replay.
 97    """
 99    live: bool
100    """
101    If `True`, the flow belongs to a currently active connection.
102    If `False`, the flow may have been already completed or loaded from disk.
103    """
105    timestamp_created: float
106    """
107    The Unix timestamp of when this flow was created.
109    In contrast to `timestamp_start`, this value will not change when a flow is replayed.
110    """
112    def __init__(
113        self,
114        client_conn: connection.Client,
115        server_conn: connection.Server,
116        live: bool = False,
117    ) -> None:
118        self.id = str(uuid.uuid4())
119        self.client_conn = client_conn
120        self.server_conn = server_conn
121        self.live = live
122        self.timestamp_created = time.time()
124        self.intercepted: bool = False
125        self._resume_event: asyncio.Event | None = None
126        self._backup: Flow | None = None
127        self.marked: str = ""
128        self.is_replay: str | None = None
129        self.metadata: dict[str, Any] = dict()
130        self.comment: str = ""
132    __types: dict[str, type[Flow]] = {}
134    type: ClassVar[
135        str
136    ]  # automatically derived from the class name in __init_subclass__
137    """The flow type, for example `http`, `tcp`, or `dns`."""
139    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
140        cls.type = cls.__name__.removesuffix("Flow").lower()
141        Flow.__types[cls.type] = cls
143    def get_state(self) -> serializable.State:
144        state = {
145            "version": version.FLOW_FORMAT_VERSION,
146            "type": self.type,
147            "id": self.id,
148            "error": self.error.get_state() if self.error else None,
149            "client_conn": self.client_conn.get_state(),
150            "server_conn": self.server_conn.get_state(),
151            "intercepted": self.intercepted,
152            "is_replay": self.is_replay,
153            "marked": self.marked,
154            "metadata": copy.deepcopy(self.metadata),
155            "comment": self.comment,
156            "timestamp_created": self.timestamp_created,
157        }
158        state["backup"] = copy.deepcopy(self._backup) if self._backup != state else None
159        return state
161    def set_state(self, state: serializable.State) -> None:
162        assert state.pop("version") == version.FLOW_FORMAT_VERSION
163        assert state.pop("type") == self.type
164        self.id = state.pop("id")
165        if state["error"]:
166            if self.error:
167                self.error.set_state(state.pop("error"))
168            else:
169                self.error = Error.from_state(state.pop("error"))
170        else:
171            self.error = state.pop("error")
172        self.client_conn.set_state(state.pop("client_conn"))
173        self.server_conn.set_state(state.pop("server_conn"))
174        self.intercepted = state.pop("intercepted")
175        self.is_replay = state.pop("is_replay")
176        self.marked = state.pop("marked")
177        self.metadata = state.pop("metadata")
178        self.comment = state.pop("comment")
179        self.timestamp_created = state.pop("timestamp_created")
180        self._backup = state.pop("backup", None)
181        assert state == {}
183    @classmethod
184    def from_state(cls, state: serializable.State) -> Flow:
185        try:
186            flow_cls = Flow.__types[state["type"]]
187        except KeyError:
188            raise ValueError(f"Unknown flow type: {state['type']}")
189        client = connection.Client(peername=("", 0), sockname=("", 0))
190        server = connection.Server(address=None)
191        f = flow_cls(client, server)
192        f.set_state(state)
193        return f
195    def copy(self):
196        """Make a copy of this flow."""
197        f = super().copy()
198        f.live = False
199        return f
201    def modified(self):
202        """
203        `True` if this file has been modified by a user, `False` otherwise.
204        """
205        if self._backup:
206            return self._backup != self.get_state()
207        else:
208            return False
210    def backup(self, force=False):
211        """
212        Save a backup of this flow, which can be restored by calling `Flow.revert()`.
213        """
214        if not self._backup:
215            self._backup = self.get_state()
217    def revert(self):
218        """
219        Revert to the last backed up state.
220        """
221        if self._backup:
222            self.set_state(self._backup)
223            self._backup = None
225    @property
226    def killable(self):
227        """*Read-only:* `True` if this flow can be killed, `False` otherwise."""
228        return self.live and not (self.error and self.error.msg == Error.KILLED_MESSAGE)
230    def kill(self):
231        """
232        Kill this flow. The current request/response will not be forwarded to its destination.
233        """
234        if not self.killable:
235            raise exceptions.ControlException("Flow is not killable.")
236        # TODO: The way we currently signal killing is not ideal. One major problem is that we cannot kill
237        #  flows in transit (https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/4711), even though they are advertised
238        #  as killable. An alternative approach would be to introduce a `KillInjected` event similar to
239        #  `MessageInjected`, which should fix this issue.
240        self.error = Error(Error.KILLED_MESSAGE)
241        self.intercepted = False
242        self.live = False
244    def intercept(self):
245        """
246        Intercept this Flow. Processing will stop until resume is
247        called.
248        """
249        if self.intercepted:
250            return
251        self.intercepted = True
252        if self._resume_event is not None:
253            self._resume_event.clear()
255    async def wait_for_resume(self):
256        """
257        Wait until this Flow is resumed.
258        """
259        if not self.intercepted:
260            return
261        if self._resume_event is None:
262            self._resume_event = asyncio.Event()
263        await self._resume_event.wait()
265    def resume(self):
266        """
267        Continue with the flow – called after an intercept().
268        """
269        if not self.intercepted:
270            return
271        self.intercepted = False
272        if self._resume_event is not None:
273            self._resume_event.set()
275    @property
276    def timestamp_start(self) -> float:
277        """
278        *Read-only:* Start time of the flow.
279        Depending on the flow type, this property is an alias for
280        `mitmproxy.connection.Client.timestamp_start` or `mitmproxy.http.Request.timestamp_start`.
281        """
282        return self.client_conn.timestamp_start
285__all__ = [
286    "Flow",
287    "Error",
class Flow(mitmproxy.coretypes.serializable.Serializable):
 45class Flow(serializable.Serializable):
 46    """
 47    Base class for network flows. A flow is a collection of objects,
 48    for example HTTP request/response pairs or a list of TCP messages.
 50    See also:
 51     - mitmproxy.http.HTTPFlow
 52     - mitmproxy.tcp.TCPFlow
 53     - mitmproxy.udp.UDPFlow
 54    """
 56    client_conn: connection.Client
 57    """The client that connected to mitmproxy."""
 59    server_conn: connection.Server
 60    """
 61    The server mitmproxy connected to.
 63    Some flows may never cause mitmproxy to initiate a server connection,
 64    for example because their response is replayed by mitmproxy itself.
 65    To simplify implementation, those flows will still have a `server_conn` attribute
 66    with a `timestamp_start` set to `None`.
 67    """
 69    error: Error | None = None
 70    """A connection or protocol error affecting this flow."""
 72    intercepted: bool
 73    """
 74    If `True`, the flow is currently paused by mitmproxy.
 75    We're waiting for a user action to forward the flow to its destination.
 76    """
 78    marked: str = ""
 79    """
 80    If this attribute is a non-empty string the flow has been marked by the user.
 82    A string value will be used as the marker annotation. May either be a single character or a Unicode emoji name.
 84    For example `:grapes:` becomes `🍇` in views that support emoji rendering.
 85    Consult the [Github API Emoji List](https://api.github.com/emojis) for a list of emoji that may be used.
 86    Not all emoji, especially [emoji modifiers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miscellaneous_Symbols_and_Pictographs#Emoji_modifiers)
 87    will render consistently.
 89    The default marker for the view will be used if the Unicode emoji name can not be interpreted.
 90    """
 92    is_replay: str | None
 93    """
 94    This attribute indicates if this flow has been replayed in either direction.
 96     - a value of `request` indicates that the request has been artifically replayed by mitmproxy to the server.
 97     - a value of `response` indicates that the response to the client's request has been set by server replay.
 98    """
100    live: bool
101    """
102    If `True`, the flow belongs to a currently active connection.
103    If `False`, the flow may have been already completed or loaded from disk.
104    """
106    timestamp_created: float
107    """
108    The Unix timestamp of when this flow was created.
110    In contrast to `timestamp_start`, this value will not change when a flow is replayed.
111    """
113    def __init__(
114        self,
115        client_conn: connection.Client,
116        server_conn: connection.Server,
117        live: bool = False,
118    ) -> None:
119        self.id = str(uuid.uuid4())
120        self.client_conn = client_conn
121        self.server_conn = server_conn
122        self.live = live
123        self.timestamp_created = time.time()
125        self.intercepted: bool = False
126        self._resume_event: asyncio.Event | None = None
127        self._backup: Flow | None = None
128        self.marked: str = ""
129        self.is_replay: str | None = None
130        self.metadata: dict[str, Any] = dict()
131        self.comment: str = ""
133    __types: dict[str, type[Flow]] = {}
135    type: ClassVar[
136        str
137    ]  # automatically derived from the class name in __init_subclass__
138    """The flow type, for example `http`, `tcp`, or `dns`."""
140    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
141        cls.type = cls.__name__.removesuffix("Flow").lower()
142        Flow.__types[cls.type] = cls
144    def get_state(self) -> serializable.State:
145        state = {
146            "version": version.FLOW_FORMAT_VERSION,
147            "type": self.type,
148            "id": self.id,
149            "error": self.error.get_state() if self.error else None,
150            "client_conn": self.client_conn.get_state(),
151            "server_conn": self.server_conn.get_state(),
152            "intercepted": self.intercepted,
153            "is_replay": self.is_replay,
154            "marked": self.marked,
155            "metadata": copy.deepcopy(self.metadata),
156            "comment": self.comment,
157            "timestamp_created": self.timestamp_created,
158        }
159        state["backup"] = copy.deepcopy(self._backup) if self._backup != state else None
160        return state
162    def set_state(self, state: serializable.State) -> None:
163        assert state.pop("version") == version.FLOW_FORMAT_VERSION
164        assert state.pop("type") == self.type
165        self.id = state.pop("id")
166        if state["error"]:
167            if self.error:
168                self.error.set_state(state.pop("error"))
169            else:
170                self.error = Error.from_state(state.pop("error"))
171        else:
172            self.error = state.pop("error")
173        self.client_conn.set_state(state.pop("client_conn"))
174        self.server_conn.set_state(state.pop("server_conn"))
175        self.intercepted = state.pop("intercepted")
176        self.is_replay = state.pop("is_replay")
177        self.marked = state.pop("marked")
178        self.metadata = state.pop("metadata")
179        self.comment = state.pop("comment")
180        self.timestamp_created = state.pop("timestamp_created")
181        self._backup = state.pop("backup", None)
182        assert state == {}
184    @classmethod
185    def from_state(cls, state: serializable.State) -> Flow:
186        try:
187            flow_cls = Flow.__types[state["type"]]
188        except KeyError:
189            raise ValueError(f"Unknown flow type: {state['type']}")
190        client = connection.Client(peername=("", 0), sockname=("", 0))
191        server = connection.Server(address=None)
192        f = flow_cls(client, server)
193        f.set_state(state)
194        return f
196    def copy(self):
197        """Make a copy of this flow."""
198        f = super().copy()
199        f.live = False
200        return f
202    def modified(self):
203        """
204        `True` if this file has been modified by a user, `False` otherwise.
205        """
206        if self._backup:
207            return self._backup != self.get_state()
208        else:
209            return False
211    def backup(self, force=False):
212        """
213        Save a backup of this flow, which can be restored by calling `Flow.revert()`.
214        """
215        if not self._backup:
216            self._backup = self.get_state()
218    def revert(self):
219        """
220        Revert to the last backed up state.
221        """
222        if self._backup:
223            self.set_state(self._backup)
224            self._backup = None
226    @property
227    def killable(self):
228        """*Read-only:* `True` if this flow can be killed, `False` otherwise."""
229        return self.live and not (self.error and self.error.msg == Error.KILLED_MESSAGE)
231    def kill(self):
232        """
233        Kill this flow. The current request/response will not be forwarded to its destination.
234        """
235        if not self.killable:
236            raise exceptions.ControlException("Flow is not killable.")
237        # TODO: The way we currently signal killing is not ideal. One major problem is that we cannot kill
238        #  flows in transit (https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/4711), even though they are advertised
239        #  as killable. An alternative approach would be to introduce a `KillInjected` event similar to
240        #  `MessageInjected`, which should fix this issue.
241        self.error = Error(Error.KILLED_MESSAGE)
242        self.intercepted = False
243        self.live = False
245    def intercept(self):
246        """
247        Intercept this Flow. Processing will stop until resume is
248        called.
249        """
250        if self.intercepted:
251            return
252        self.intercepted = True
253        if self._resume_event is not None:
254            self._resume_event.clear()
256    async def wait_for_resume(self):
257        """
258        Wait until this Flow is resumed.
259        """
260        if not self.intercepted:
261            return
262        if self._resume_event is None:
263            self._resume_event = asyncio.Event()
264        await self._resume_event.wait()
266    def resume(self):
267        """
268        Continue with the flow – called after an intercept().
269        """
270        if not self.intercepted:
271            return
272        self.intercepted = False
273        if self._resume_event is not None:
274            self._resume_event.set()
276    @property
277    def timestamp_start(self) -> float:
278        """
279        *Read-only:* Start time of the flow.
280        Depending on the flow type, this property is an alias for
281        `mitmproxy.connection.Client.timestamp_start` or `mitmproxy.http.Request.timestamp_start`.
282        """
283        return self.client_conn.timestamp_start

Base class for network flows. A flow is a collection of objects, for example HTTP request/response pairs or a list of TCP messages.

See also:

The client that connected to mitmproxy.

The server mitmproxy connected to.

Some flows may never cause mitmproxy to initiate a server connection, for example because their response is replayed by mitmproxy itself. To simplify implementation, those flows will still have a server_conn attribute with a timestamp_start set to None.

error: Error | None = None

A connection or protocol error affecting this flow.

intercepted: bool

If True, the flow is currently paused by mitmproxy. We're waiting for a user action to forward the flow to its destination.

marked: str = ''

If this attribute is a non-empty string the flow has been marked by the user.

A string value will be used as the marker annotation. May either be a single character or a Unicode emoji name.

For example :grapes: becomes 🍇 in views that support emoji rendering. Consult the Github API Emoji List for a list of emoji that may be used. Not all emoji, especially emoji modifiers will render consistently.

The default marker for the view will be used if the Unicode emoji name can not be interpreted.

is_replay: str | None

This attribute indicates if this flow has been replayed in either direction.

  • a value of request indicates that the request has been artifically replayed by mitmproxy to the server.
  • a value of response indicates that the response to the client's request has been set by server replay.
live: bool

If True, the flow belongs to a currently active connection. If False, the flow may have been already completed or loaded from disk.

timestamp_created: float

The Unix timestamp of when this flow was created.

In contrast to timestamp_start, this value will not change when a flow is replayed.

comment: str
type: ClassVar[str]

The flow type, for example http, tcp, or dns.

def copy(self):
196    def copy(self):
197        """Make a copy of this flow."""
198        f = super().copy()
199        f.live = False
200        return f

Make a copy of this flow.

def modified(self):
202    def modified(self):
203        """
204        `True` if this file has been modified by a user, `False` otherwise.
205        """
206        if self._backup:
207            return self._backup != self.get_state()
208        else:
209            return False

True if this file has been modified by a user, False otherwise.

def backup(self, force=False):
211    def backup(self, force=False):
212        """
213        Save a backup of this flow, which can be restored by calling `Flow.revert()`.
214        """
215        if not self._backup:
216            self._backup = self.get_state()

Save a backup of this flow, which can be restored by calling Flow.revert().

def revert(self):
218    def revert(self):
219        """
220        Revert to the last backed up state.
221        """
222        if self._backup:
223            self.set_state(self._backup)
224            self._backup = None

Revert to the last backed up state.

226    @property
227    def killable(self):
228        """*Read-only:* `True` if this flow can be killed, `False` otherwise."""
229        return self.live and not (self.error and self.error.msg == Error.KILLED_MESSAGE)

Read-only: True if this flow can be killed, False otherwise.

def kill(self):
231    def kill(self):
232        """
233        Kill this flow. The current request/response will not be forwarded to its destination.
234        """
235        if not self.killable:
236            raise exceptions.ControlException("Flow is not killable.")
237        # TODO: The way we currently signal killing is not ideal. One major problem is that we cannot kill
238        #  flows in transit (https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/4711), even though they are advertised
239        #  as killable. An alternative approach would be to introduce a `KillInjected` event similar to
240        #  `MessageInjected`, which should fix this issue.
241        self.error = Error(Error.KILLED_MESSAGE)
242        self.intercepted = False
243        self.live = False

Kill this flow. The current request/response will not be forwarded to its destination.

def intercept(self):
245    def intercept(self):
246        """
247        Intercept this Flow. Processing will stop until resume is
248        called.
249        """
250        if self.intercepted:
251            return
252        self.intercepted = True
253        if self._resume_event is not None:
254            self._resume_event.clear()

Intercept this Flow. Processing will stop until resume is called.

async def wait_for_resume(self):
256    async def wait_for_resume(self):
257        """
258        Wait until this Flow is resumed.
259        """
260        if not self.intercepted:
261            return
262        if self._resume_event is None:
263            self._resume_event = asyncio.Event()
264        await self._resume_event.wait()

Wait until this Flow is resumed.

def resume(self):
266    def resume(self):
267        """
268        Continue with the flow – called after an intercept().
269        """
270        if not self.intercepted:
271            return
272        self.intercepted = False
273        if self._resume_event is not None:
274            self._resume_event.set()

Continue with the flow – called after an intercept().

timestamp_start: float
276    @property
277    def timestamp_start(self) -> float:
278        """
279        *Read-only:* Start time of the flow.
280        Depending on the flow type, this property is an alias for
281        `mitmproxy.connection.Client.timestamp_start` or `mitmproxy.http.Request.timestamp_start`.
282        """
283        return self.client_conn.timestamp_start

Read-only: Start time of the flow. Depending on the flow type, this property is an alias for mitmproxy.connection.Client.timestamp_start or mitmproxy.http.Request.timestamp_start.

class Error(mitmproxy.coretypes.serializable.SerializableDataclass):
20class Error(serializable.SerializableDataclass):
21    """
22    An Error.
24    This is distinct from an protocol error response (say, a HTTP code 500),
25    which is represented by a normal `mitmproxy.http.Response` object. This class is
26    responsible for indicating errors that fall outside of normal protocol
27    communications, like interrupted connections, timeouts, or protocol errors.
28    """
30    msg: str
31    """Message describing the error."""
33    timestamp: float = field(default_factory=time.time)
34    """Unix timestamp of when this error happened."""
36    KILLED_MESSAGE: ClassVar[str] = "Connection killed."
38    def __str__(self):
39        return self.msg
41    def __repr__(self):
42        return self.msg

An Error.

This is distinct from an protocol error response (say, a HTTP code 500), which is represented by a normal mitmproxy.http.Response object. This class is responsible for indicating errors that fall outside of normal protocol communications, like interrupted connections, timeouts, or protocol errors.

msg: str

Message describing the error.

timestamp: float

Unix timestamp of when this error happened.

KILLED_MESSAGE: ClassVar[str] = 'Connection killed.'