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This module is responsible for parsing proxy mode specifications such as "regular", "reverse:https://example.com", or "socks5@1234". The general syntax is

mode [: mode_configuration] [@ [listen_addr:]listen_port]

For a full example, consider reverse:https://example.com@ This would spawn a reverse proxy on port 443 bound to localhost. The mode is reverse, and the mode data is https://example.com. Examples:

mode = ProxyMode.parse("regular@1234")
assert mode.listen_port == 1234
assert isinstance(mode, RegularMode)

ProxyMode.parse("reverse:example.com@invalid-port")  # ValueError

RegularMode.parse("regular")  # ok
RegularMode.parse("socks5")  # ValueError
  2This module is responsible for parsing proxy mode specifications such as
  3`"regular"`, `"reverse:https://example.com"`, or `"socks5@1234"`. The general syntax is
  5    mode [: mode_configuration] [@ [listen_addr:]listen_port]
  7For a full example, consider `reverse:https://example.com@`.
  8This would spawn a reverse proxy on port 443 bound to localhost.
  9The mode is `reverse`, and the mode data is `https://example.com`.
 12    mode = ProxyMode.parse("regular@1234")
 13    assert mode.listen_port == 1234
 14    assert isinstance(mode, RegularMode)
 16    ProxyMode.parse("reverse:example.com@invalid-port")  # ValueError
 18    RegularMode.parse("regular")  # ok
 19    RegularMode.parse("socks5")  # ValueError
 23from __future__ import annotations
 25import dataclasses
 26import platform
 27import re
 28import sys
 29from abc import ABCMeta
 30from abc import abstractmethod
 31from dataclasses import dataclass
 32from functools import cache
 33from typing import ClassVar
 34from typing import Literal
 36import mitmproxy_rs
 37from mitmproxy.coretypes.serializable import Serializable
 38from mitmproxy.net import server_spec
 40if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
 41    from typing_extensions import Self  # pragma: no cover
 43    from typing import Self
 46@dataclass(frozen=True)  # type: ignore
 47class ProxyMode(Serializable, metaclass=ABCMeta):
 48    """
 49    Parsed representation of a proxy mode spec. Subclassed for each specific mode,
 50    which then does its own data validation.
 51    """
 53    full_spec: str
 54    """The full proxy mode spec as entered by the user."""
 55    data: str
 56    """The (raw) mode data, i.e. the part after the mode name."""
 57    custom_listen_host: str | None
 58    """A custom listen host, if specified in the spec."""
 59    custom_listen_port: int | None
 60    """A custom listen port, if specified in the spec."""
 62    type_name: ClassVar[
 63        str
 64    ]  # automatically derived from the class name in __init_subclass__
 65    """The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse"."""
 66    __types: ClassVar[dict[str, type[ProxyMode]]] = {}
 68    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
 69        cls.type_name = cls.__name__.removesuffix("Mode").lower()
 70        assert cls.type_name not in ProxyMode.__types
 71        ProxyMode.__types[cls.type_name] = cls
 73    def __repr__(self):
 74        return f"ProxyMode.parse({self.full_spec!r})"
 76    @abstractmethod
 77    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
 78        """Validation of data happens here."""
 80    @property
 81    @abstractmethod
 82    def description(self) -> str:
 83        """The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI."""
 85    @property
 86    def default_port(self) -> int | None:
 87        """
 88        Default listen port of servers for this mode, see `ProxyMode.listen_port()`.
 89        """
 90        return 8080
 92    @property
 93    @abstractmethod
 94    def transport_protocol(self) -> Literal["tcp", "udp", "both"]:
 95        """The transport protocol used by this mode's server."""
 97    @classmethod
 98    @cache
 99    def parse(cls, spec: str) -> Self:
100        """
101        Parse a proxy mode specification and return the corresponding `ProxyMode` instance.
102        """
103        head, _, listen_at = spec.rpartition("@")
104        if not head:
105            head = listen_at
106            listen_at = ""
108        mode, _, data = head.partition(":")
110        if listen_at:
111            if ":" in listen_at:
112                host, _, port_str = listen_at.rpartition(":")
113            else:
114                host = None
115                port_str = listen_at
116            try:
117                port = int(port_str)
118                if port < 0 or 65535 < port:
119                    raise ValueError
120            except ValueError:
121                raise ValueError(f"invalid port: {port_str}")
122        else:
123            host = None
124            port = None
126        try:
127            mode_cls = ProxyMode.__types[mode.lower()]
128        except KeyError:
129            raise ValueError(f"unknown mode")
131        if not issubclass(mode_cls, cls):
132            raise ValueError(f"{mode!r} is not a spec for a {cls.type_name} mode")
134        return mode_cls(
135            full_spec=spec, data=data, custom_listen_host=host, custom_listen_port=port
136        )
138    def listen_host(self, default: str | None = None) -> str:
139        """
140        Return the address a server for this mode should listen on. This can be either directly
141        specified in the spec or taken from a user-configured global default (`options.listen_host`).
142        By default, return an empty string to listen on all hosts.
143        """
144        if self.custom_listen_host is not None:
145            return self.custom_listen_host
146        elif default is not None:
147            return default
148        else:
149            return ""
151    def listen_port(self, default: int | None = None) -> int | None:
152        """
153        Return the port a server for this mode should listen on. This can be either directly
154        specified in the spec, taken from a user-configured global default (`options.listen_port`),
155        or from `ProxyMode.default_port`.
156        May be `None` for modes that don't bind to a specific address, e.g. local redirect mode.
157        """
158        if self.custom_listen_port is not None:
159            return self.custom_listen_port
160        elif default is not None:
161            return default
162        else:
163            return self.default_port
165    @classmethod
166    def from_state(cls, state):
167        return ProxyMode.parse(state)
169    def get_state(self):
170        return self.full_spec
172    def set_state(self, state):
173        if state != self.full_spec:
174            raise dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError("Proxy modes are immutable.")
177TCP: Literal["tcp", "udp", "both"] = "tcp"
178UDP: Literal["tcp", "udp", "both"] = "udp"
179BOTH: Literal["tcp", "udp", "both"] = "both"
182def _check_empty(data):
183    if data:
184        raise ValueError("mode takes no arguments")
187class RegularMode(ProxyMode):
188    """A regular HTTP(S) proxy that is interfaced with `HTTP CONNECT` calls (or absolute-form HTTP requests)."""
190    description = "HTTP(S) proxy"
191    transport_protocol = TCP
193    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
194        _check_empty(self.data)
197class TransparentMode(ProxyMode):
198    """A transparent proxy, see https://docs.mitmproxy.org/dev/howto-transparent/"""
200    description = "Transparent Proxy"
201    transport_protocol = TCP
203    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
204        _check_empty(self.data)
207class UpstreamMode(ProxyMode):
208    """A regular HTTP(S) proxy, but all connections are forwarded to a second upstream HTTP(S) proxy."""
210    description = "HTTP(S) proxy (upstream mode)"
211    transport_protocol = TCP
212    scheme: Literal["http", "https"]
213    address: tuple[str, int]
215    # noinspection PyDataclass
216    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
217        scheme, self.address = server_spec.parse(self.data, default_scheme="http")
218        if scheme != "http" and scheme != "https":
219            raise ValueError("invalid upstream proxy scheme")
220        self.scheme = scheme
223class ReverseMode(ProxyMode):
224    """A reverse proxy. This acts like a normal server, but redirects all requests to a fixed target."""
226    description = "reverse proxy"
227    transport_protocol = TCP
228    scheme: Literal[
229        "http", "https", "http3", "tls", "dtls", "tcp", "udp", "dns", "quic"
230    ]
231    address: tuple[str, int]
233    # noinspection PyDataclass
234    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
235        self.scheme, self.address = server_spec.parse(self.data, default_scheme="https")
236        if self.scheme in ("http3", "dtls", "udp", "quic"):
237            self.transport_protocol = UDP
238        elif self.scheme in ("dns", "https"):
239            self.transport_protocol = BOTH
240        self.description = f"{self.description} to {self.data}"
242    @property
243    def default_port(self) -> int | None:
244        if self.scheme == "dns":
245            return 53
246        return super().default_port
249class Socks5Mode(ProxyMode):
250    """A SOCKSv5 proxy."""
252    description = "SOCKS v5 proxy"
253    default_port = 1080
254    transport_protocol = TCP
256    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
257        _check_empty(self.data)
260class DnsMode(ProxyMode):
261    """A DNS server."""
263    description = "DNS server"
264    default_port = 53
265    transport_protocol = BOTH
267    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
268        _check_empty(self.data)
271# class Http3Mode(ProxyMode):
272#     """
273#     A regular HTTP3 proxy that is interfaced with absolute-form HTTP requests.
274#     (This class will be merged into `RegularMode` once the UDP implementation is deemed stable enough.)
275#     """
277#     description = "HTTP3 proxy"
278#     transport_protocol = UDP
280#     def __post_init__(self) -> None:
281#         _check_empty(self.data)
284class WireGuardMode(ProxyMode):
285    """Proxy Server based on WireGuard"""
287    description = "WireGuard server"
288    default_port = 51820
289    transport_protocol = UDP
291    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
292        pass
295class LocalMode(ProxyMode):
296    """OS-level transparent proxy."""
298    description = "Local redirector"
299    transport_protocol = BOTH
300    default_port = None
302    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
303        # should not raise
304        mitmproxy_rs.local.LocalRedirector.describe_spec(self.data)
307class TunMode(ProxyMode):
308    """A Tun interface."""
310    description = "TUN interface"
311    default_port = None
312    transport_protocol = BOTH
314    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
315        invalid_tun_name = self.data and (
316            # The Rust side is Linux only for the moment, but eventually we may need this.
317            platform.system() == "Darwin" and not re.match(r"^utun\d+$", self.data)
318        )
319        if invalid_tun_name:  # pragma: no cover
320            raise ValueError(
321                f"Invalid tun name: {self.data}. "
322                f"On macOS, the tun name must be the form utunx where x is a number, such as utun3."
323            )
326class OsProxyMode(ProxyMode):  # pragma: no cover
327    """Deprecated alias for LocalMode"""
329    description = "Deprecated alias for LocalMode"
330    transport_protocol = BOTH
331    default_port = None
333    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
334        raise ValueError(
335            "osproxy mode has been renamed to local mode. Thanks for trying our experimental features!"
336        )
class ProxyMode(mitmproxy.coretypes.serializable.Serializable):
 47@dataclass(frozen=True)  # type: ignore
 48class ProxyMode(Serializable, metaclass=ABCMeta):
 49    """
 50    Parsed representation of a proxy mode spec. Subclassed for each specific mode,
 51    which then does its own data validation.
 52    """
 54    full_spec: str
 55    """The full proxy mode spec as entered by the user."""
 56    data: str
 57    """The (raw) mode data, i.e. the part after the mode name."""
 58    custom_listen_host: str | None
 59    """A custom listen host, if specified in the spec."""
 60    custom_listen_port: int | None
 61    """A custom listen port, if specified in the spec."""
 63    type_name: ClassVar[
 64        str
 65    ]  # automatically derived from the class name in __init_subclass__
 66    """The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse"."""
 67    __types: ClassVar[dict[str, type[ProxyMode]]] = {}
 69    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
 70        cls.type_name = cls.__name__.removesuffix("Mode").lower()
 71        assert cls.type_name not in ProxyMode.__types
 72        ProxyMode.__types[cls.type_name] = cls
 74    def __repr__(self):
 75        return f"ProxyMode.parse({self.full_spec!r})"
 77    @abstractmethod
 78    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
 79        """Validation of data happens here."""
 81    @property
 82    @abstractmethod
 83    def description(self) -> str:
 84        """The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI."""
 86    @property
 87    def default_port(self) -> int | None:
 88        """
 89        Default listen port of servers for this mode, see `ProxyMode.listen_port()`.
 90        """
 91        return 8080
 93    @property
 94    @abstractmethod
 95    def transport_protocol(self) -> Literal["tcp", "udp", "both"]:
 96        """The transport protocol used by this mode's server."""
 98    @classmethod
 99    @cache
100    def parse(cls, spec: str) -> Self:
101        """
102        Parse a proxy mode specification and return the corresponding `ProxyMode` instance.
103        """
104        head, _, listen_at = spec.rpartition("@")
105        if not head:
106            head = listen_at
107            listen_at = ""
109        mode, _, data = head.partition(":")
111        if listen_at:
112            if ":" in listen_at:
113                host, _, port_str = listen_at.rpartition(":")
114            else:
115                host = None
116                port_str = listen_at
117            try:
118                port = int(port_str)
119                if port < 0 or 65535 < port:
120                    raise ValueError
121            except ValueError:
122                raise ValueError(f"invalid port: {port_str}")
123        else:
124            host = None
125            port = None
127        try:
128            mode_cls = ProxyMode.__types[mode.lower()]
129        except KeyError:
130            raise ValueError(f"unknown mode")
132        if not issubclass(mode_cls, cls):
133            raise ValueError(f"{mode!r} is not a spec for a {cls.type_name} mode")
135        return mode_cls(
136            full_spec=spec, data=data, custom_listen_host=host, custom_listen_port=port
137        )
139    def listen_host(self, default: str | None = None) -> str:
140        """
141        Return the address a server for this mode should listen on. This can be either directly
142        specified in the spec or taken from a user-configured global default (`options.listen_host`).
143        By default, return an empty string to listen on all hosts.
144        """
145        if self.custom_listen_host is not None:
146            return self.custom_listen_host
147        elif default is not None:
148            return default
149        else:
150            return ""
152    def listen_port(self, default: int | None = None) -> int | None:
153        """
154        Return the port a server for this mode should listen on. This can be either directly
155        specified in the spec, taken from a user-configured global default (`options.listen_port`),
156        or from `ProxyMode.default_port`.
157        May be `None` for modes that don't bind to a specific address, e.g. local redirect mode.
158        """
159        if self.custom_listen_port is not None:
160            return self.custom_listen_port
161        elif default is not None:
162            return default
163        else:
164            return self.default_port
166    @classmethod
167    def from_state(cls, state):
168        return ProxyMode.parse(state)
170    def get_state(self):
171        return self.full_spec
173    def set_state(self, state):
174        if state != self.full_spec:
175            raise dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError("Proxy modes are immutable.")

Parsed representation of a proxy mode spec. Subclassed for each specific mode, which then does its own data validation.

full_spec: str

The full proxy mode spec as entered by the user.

data: str

The (raw) mode data, i.e. the part after the mode name.

custom_listen_host: str | None

A custom listen host, if specified in the spec.

custom_listen_port: int | None

A custom listen port, if specified in the spec.

type_name: ClassVar[str]

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

description: str
81    @property
82    @abstractmethod
83    def description(self) -> str:
84        """The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI."""

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

default_port: int | None
86    @property
87    def default_port(self) -> int | None:
88        """
89        Default listen port of servers for this mode, see `ProxyMode.listen_port()`.
90        """
91        return 8080

Default listen port of servers for this mode, see ProxyMode.listen_port().

transport_protocol: Literal['tcp', 'udp', 'both']
93    @property
94    @abstractmethod
95    def transport_protocol(self) -> Literal["tcp", "udp", "both"]:
96        """The transport protocol used by this mode's server."""

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

def parse(cls, spec: str) -> Self:
 98    @classmethod
 99    @cache
100    def parse(cls, spec: str) -> Self:
101        """
102        Parse a proxy mode specification and return the corresponding `ProxyMode` instance.
103        """
104        head, _, listen_at = spec.rpartition("@")
105        if not head:
106            head = listen_at
107            listen_at = ""
109        mode, _, data = head.partition(":")
111        if listen_at:
112            if ":" in listen_at:
113                host, _, port_str = listen_at.rpartition(":")
114            else:
115                host = None
116                port_str = listen_at
117            try:
118                port = int(port_str)
119                if port < 0 or 65535 < port:
120                    raise ValueError
121            except ValueError:
122                raise ValueError(f"invalid port: {port_str}")
123        else:
124            host = None
125            port = None
127        try:
128            mode_cls = ProxyMode.__types[mode.lower()]
129        except KeyError:
130            raise ValueError(f"unknown mode")
132        if not issubclass(mode_cls, cls):
133            raise ValueError(f"{mode!r} is not a spec for a {cls.type_name} mode")
135        return mode_cls(
136            full_spec=spec, data=data, custom_listen_host=host, custom_listen_port=port
137        )

Parse a proxy mode specification and return the corresponding ProxyMode instance.

def listen_host(self, default: str | None = None) -> str:
139    def listen_host(self, default: str | None = None) -> str:
140        """
141        Return the address a server for this mode should listen on. This can be either directly
142        specified in the spec or taken from a user-configured global default (`options.listen_host`).
143        By default, return an empty string to listen on all hosts.
144        """
145        if self.custom_listen_host is not None:
146            return self.custom_listen_host
147        elif default is not None:
148            return default
149        else:
150            return ""

Return the address a server for this mode should listen on. This can be either directly specified in the spec or taken from a user-configured global default (options.listen_host). By default, return an empty string to listen on all hosts.

def listen_port(self, default: int | None = None) -> int | None:
152    def listen_port(self, default: int | None = None) -> int | None:
153        """
154        Return the port a server for this mode should listen on. This can be either directly
155        specified in the spec, taken from a user-configured global default (`options.listen_port`),
156        or from `ProxyMode.default_port`.
157        May be `None` for modes that don't bind to a specific address, e.g. local redirect mode.
158        """
159        if self.custom_listen_port is not None:
160            return self.custom_listen_port
161        elif default is not None:
162            return default
163        else:
164            return self.default_port

Return the port a server for this mode should listen on. This can be either directly specified in the spec, taken from a user-configured global default (options.listen_port), or from ProxyMode.default_port. May be None for modes that don't bind to a specific address, e.g. local redirect mode.

TCP: Literal['tcp', 'udp', 'both'] = 'tcp'
UDP: Literal['tcp', 'udp', 'both'] = 'udp'
BOTH: Literal['tcp', 'udp', 'both'] = 'both'
class RegularMode(ProxyMode):
188class RegularMode(ProxyMode):
189    """A regular HTTP(S) proxy that is interfaced with `HTTP CONNECT` calls (or absolute-form HTTP requests)."""
191    description = "HTTP(S) proxy"
192    transport_protocol = TCP
194    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
195        _check_empty(self.data)

A regular HTTP(S) proxy that is interfaced with HTTP CONNECT calls (or absolute-form HTTP requests).

description = 'HTTP(S) proxy'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

transport_protocol = 'tcp'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'regular'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class TransparentMode(ProxyMode):
198class TransparentMode(ProxyMode):
199    """A transparent proxy, see https://docs.mitmproxy.org/dev/howto-transparent/"""
201    description = "Transparent Proxy"
202    transport_protocol = TCP
204    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
205        _check_empty(self.data)
description = 'Transparent Proxy'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

transport_protocol = 'tcp'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'transparent'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class UpstreamMode(ProxyMode):
208class UpstreamMode(ProxyMode):
209    """A regular HTTP(S) proxy, but all connections are forwarded to a second upstream HTTP(S) proxy."""
211    description = "HTTP(S) proxy (upstream mode)"
212    transport_protocol = TCP
213    scheme: Literal["http", "https"]
214    address: tuple[str, int]
216    # noinspection PyDataclass
217    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
218        scheme, self.address = server_spec.parse(self.data, default_scheme="http")
219        if scheme != "http" and scheme != "https":
220            raise ValueError("invalid upstream proxy scheme")
221        self.scheme = scheme

A regular HTTP(S) proxy, but all connections are forwarded to a second upstream HTTP(S) proxy.

description = 'HTTP(S) proxy (upstream mode)'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

transport_protocol = 'tcp'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

scheme: Literal['http', 'https']
address: tuple[str, int]
type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'upstream'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class ReverseMode(ProxyMode):
224class ReverseMode(ProxyMode):
225    """A reverse proxy. This acts like a normal server, but redirects all requests to a fixed target."""
227    description = "reverse proxy"
228    transport_protocol = TCP
229    scheme: Literal[
230        "http", "https", "http3", "tls", "dtls", "tcp", "udp", "dns", "quic"
231    ]
232    address: tuple[str, int]
234    # noinspection PyDataclass
235    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
236        self.scheme, self.address = server_spec.parse(self.data, default_scheme="https")
237        if self.scheme in ("http3", "dtls", "udp", "quic"):
238            self.transport_protocol = UDP
239        elif self.scheme in ("dns", "https"):
240            self.transport_protocol = BOTH
241        self.description = f"{self.description} to {self.data}"
243    @property
244    def default_port(self) -> int | None:
245        if self.scheme == "dns":
246            return 53
247        return super().default_port

A reverse proxy. This acts like a normal server, but redirects all requests to a fixed target.

description = 'reverse proxy'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

transport_protocol = 'tcp'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

scheme: Literal['http', 'https', 'http3', 'tls', 'dtls', 'tcp', 'udp', 'dns', 'quic']
address: tuple[str, int]
default_port: int | None
243    @property
244    def default_port(self) -> int | None:
245        if self.scheme == "dns":
246            return 53
247        return super().default_port

Default listen port of servers for this mode, see ProxyMode.listen_port().

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'reverse'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class Socks5Mode(ProxyMode):
250class Socks5Mode(ProxyMode):
251    """A SOCKSv5 proxy."""
253    description = "SOCKS v5 proxy"
254    default_port = 1080
255    transport_protocol = TCP
257    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
258        _check_empty(self.data)

A SOCKSv5 proxy.

description = 'SOCKS v5 proxy'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

default_port = 1080

Default listen port of servers for this mode, see ProxyMode.listen_port().

transport_protocol = 'tcp'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'socks5'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class DnsMode(ProxyMode):
261class DnsMode(ProxyMode):
262    """A DNS server."""
264    description = "DNS server"
265    default_port = 53
266    transport_protocol = BOTH
268    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
269        _check_empty(self.data)

A DNS server.

description = 'DNS server'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

default_port = 53

Default listen port of servers for this mode, see ProxyMode.listen_port().

transport_protocol = 'both'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'dns'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class WireGuardMode(ProxyMode):
285class WireGuardMode(ProxyMode):
286    """Proxy Server based on WireGuard"""
288    description = "WireGuard server"
289    default_port = 51820
290    transport_protocol = UDP
292    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
293        pass

Proxy Server based on WireGuard

description = 'WireGuard server'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

default_port = 51820

Default listen port of servers for this mode, see ProxyMode.listen_port().

transport_protocol = 'udp'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'wireguard'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class LocalMode(ProxyMode):
296class LocalMode(ProxyMode):
297    """OS-level transparent proxy."""
299    description = "Local redirector"
300    transport_protocol = BOTH
301    default_port = None
303    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
304        # should not raise
305        mitmproxy_rs.local.LocalRedirector.describe_spec(self.data)

OS-level transparent proxy.

description = 'Local redirector'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

transport_protocol = 'both'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

default_port = None

Default listen port of servers for this mode, see ProxyMode.listen_port().

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'local'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class TunMode(ProxyMode):
308class TunMode(ProxyMode):
309    """A Tun interface."""
311    description = "TUN interface"
312    default_port = None
313    transport_protocol = BOTH
315    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
316        invalid_tun_name = self.data and (
317            # The Rust side is Linux only for the moment, but eventually we may need this.
318            platform.system() == "Darwin" and not re.match(r"^utun\d+$", self.data)
319        )
320        if invalid_tun_name:  # pragma: no cover
321            raise ValueError(
322                f"Invalid tun name: {self.data}. "
323                f"On macOS, the tun name must be the form utunx where x is a number, such as utun3."
324            )

A Tun interface.

description = 'TUN interface'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

default_port = None

Default listen port of servers for this mode, see ProxyMode.listen_port().

transport_protocol = 'both'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'tun'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".

class OsProxyMode(ProxyMode):
327class OsProxyMode(ProxyMode):  # pragma: no cover
328    """Deprecated alias for LocalMode"""
330    description = "Deprecated alias for LocalMode"
331    transport_protocol = BOTH
332    default_port = None
334    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
335        raise ValueError(
336            "osproxy mode has been renamed to local mode. Thanks for trying our experimental features!"
337        )

Deprecated alias for LocalMode

description = 'Deprecated alias for LocalMode'

The mode description that will be used in server logs and UI.

transport_protocol = 'both'

The transport protocol used by this mode's server.

default_port = None

Default listen port of servers for this mode, see ProxyMode.listen_port().

type_name: ClassVar[str] = 'osproxy'

The unique name for this proxy mode, e.g. "regular" or "reverse".